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Beautiful flat calm day,drifted most of the day conditions were so nice…Open botttom jigging was the ticket to crush the sea bass today..If you were fishing light with the right jigs you were pulling on nice sea bass all day..The guys in the back did just that and loaded the coolers with Jumbos..IF you were fishing with bait,,you just watched..They did not want bait today….I will put a picture of some of the jigs that work…40 gram small ones..They do sell them in the tackle shop at the marina….So bring your favorite spinning out fit and come on down and join the party…We did catch a bunch of ling to which is a bonus….And some sea bass on bait but not nearly like the jigs…I saw the fish spitting up baby squid so maybe that has something to do with it…See ya for coffee tomorrow,,I am looking forward to getting back to the grounds…